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The Land, Air, and Space Robotics (LASR) Laboratory is an aerospace engineering and robotics research facility at Texas A&M. The lab conducts research to solve challenging problems in the fields of astrodynamics, spacecraft proximity operations and rendezvous, autonomy, robotic sensing, swam robotics, and tensegrity. Some recent applications of our work include space domain awareness, aquatic and on-orbit proximity operations, adaptive detumbling of uncontrolled spacecraft, and entry, descent, and landing (EDL) testbed development. We are affiliated with NASA, the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL), the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Department of Defense (DoD) Office of Naval Research (ONR), and more. 

Located at Easterwood Airport, the LASR Lab sports many features of a world-class robotics facility. The indoor robotics arena is the centerpiece of the lab, offering 2000 square feet of flat floor for ground robots. Twelve foot ceilings give aerial vehicles plenty of room to maneuver. Black curtains, floors, walls, and ceiling simulate the outer space environment, where a single strong light source may provide illumination for realistic optical sensing experiments. A fabrication room and electronics workspace adjoin the main arena. The conference room and graduate student offices complete the package that this facility offers for any advanced robotics research program.